
美微书签和网页 https://medium.com/geeks-prep/your-first-steps-to-building-a-web-crawler-integrating-nutch-with-solr-b5d916af3d32 的作者无关,不对其内容负责。美微书签快照谨为网络故障时之索引,不代表被收藏的网页即时页面。
Your first steps to building a web crawler: Integrating Nutch with Solr. | by Stephen Kastona | Geeks Prep | Medium

Your first steps to building a web crawler: Integrating Nutch with Solr.

Stephen Kastona
Jul 26, 2020 · 11 min read
from pixels.com

Unlike other tutorials for both complex and simple set ups, setting up Nutch on a Linux machine is not straightforward even when you follow the official tutorial. Getting Solr and Nutch to working on my machine was a nightmare but I am going to simplify it for you here: