::中文 日本語 English 预设置(Pre-set): 点阵(Prefer bitmap) 矢量(Prefer outline) (C)2009 FangQ
无衬线体(sans-serif/sans)是指笔画末端没有细小装饰线(拉丁文称为serif) 的一类字体。中文sans字体主要包括黑体和圆体。由于笔画简洁清晰,无衬线体特别 适合屏幕显示。
衬线体(serif)在笔画末端有细小的装饰线。这类字体表现力丰富, 一般在排版打印,特别在大字号显示中比较美观。中文最常见的 serif字体是宋体。由于serif在小字号显示清晰感欠缺,所以常见中文字体一般 通过嵌入点阵来弥补。
请拖动下面的字体选项来改变优先级(Please sort the items to change priorities)
等宽(monospace)字体是指所有西文符号宽度相同(并为中文符号一半)的一类字体。 这类字体一般用于编程、文本显示等需要对齐处理等环境。
请拖动下面的字体选项来改变优先级(Please sort the items to change priorities)
Sans-serif(无衬线体) is not a specific font, but an alias to a class of fonts. In many GNU/Linux distributions, sans-serif is the default choice for desktop fonts (Firefox uses serif by default).
10pt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog; kana:フォントのテスト
9pt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog; kana:フォントのテスト
Drag&Drop font names to change order (moving non-CJK fonts before CJK ones will not effect CJK glyphs)
Installation needed
Serif is another alias representing a set of fonts with decorative features at the end of strokes. Serif fonts have a classic look, and are great choice for print or large titles. In the CJK world, the closest is the Song-style(宋体).
10pt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog; kana:フォントのテスト
9pt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog; kana:フォントのテスト
Drag&Drop font names to change order (moving non-CJK fonts before CJK ones will not effect CJK glyphs)
In monospace fonts, all Latin/digits have identical width, even "i" and "w". This is typically required to display a pre-formatted text. The Han glyphs(汉字) in many CJK fonts are equal-width and twice of Latin glyph width.
10pt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog; kana:フォントのテスト
9pt: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog; kana:フォントのテスト
Drag&Drop font names to change order (moving non-CJK fonts before CJK ones will not effect CJK glyphs)
Please save the following text as $HOME/.fonts.conf (create if it does not exist)